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Not to be confused with the Just Toys AirZone brand.

Air Zone, later renamed to Stats Blast, is a brand of dart blasters that began in the late 2000s.

They were exclusively sold at Toys "R" Us retail stores.


The Air Zone brand consists generally of re-releases of Buzz Bee, X-Shot, Lanard, and Prime Time Toys dart blasters. They have also adopted other brands that are not as well known into their labels, such as Banzai.

Blasters re-released as Air Zone products differ from their original counterparts in only color scheme and occasionally name. The brand is also known for re-releasing their blasters under numerous different names.


The Air Zone brand began in the late 2000s, re-releasing existing products under their own name, as exclusive release to Toys "R" Us retail stores only.

Within a few years, their blasters had changed color schemes multiple times, similar to Buzz Bee and their Air Blasters line. For example, in 2011, a variety of blasters were re-released under a red color scheme.[1]

The brand went through a name change in 2015, to the now-current Stats Blast moniker. In 2017, when Toys "R" Us filed for bankruptcy, the brand was discontinued; it was not revived when the toy store would start back up in 2019.

Air Zone products[]


Name Year released
ArrowstormAirZone Arrowstorm 2009
PunisherGatlingBlaster Punisher Gatling Blaster 2009
PowerStrike48 Power Strike 48 2010
QuickfireAutoFedBeltBlaster Quickfire Auto Fed Belt Blaster 2011
QuickfireSniper Quickfire Sniper 2011
8DartsBlaster 8 Darts Blaster 2012
DualAmmoBlast Dual Ammo Blast 2012
RogueAirZoneRed Rogue 2012
TurboFireAirZone3 Turbo Fire 20 Shot 2012
TurboFireAirZone Turbo-Fire 2012
X-ShotVigilanteZombie Vigilante 2012
Dual3 X-Shot Dual 2012
X-ShotXcessZombie Xcess 2012
BallShooter Ball Shooter 2013
DoubleBarrel-AirZone Double Barrel Blaster 2013
FoamDartShooter Foam Dart Shooter 2013
QuickfireEagletImpactX Impact X 2013
X-ShotZombieMicro Micro X Shot 2013
OverUnder-AirZone Over Under 2013
RotatorX8-AirZone Rotator X-8 Revolver 2013
RenegadeAirZone Renegade 2014
XtremeDartBow Xtreme Dart Bow 2014
20ShotMachineBlaster 20 Shot Machine ?
Unknown 4 Dart Blaster ?
8Shooter 8 Shooter Dart Blaster ?
Unknown Air Zoomer ?
BlastBazooka AirZone Blast Bazooka ?
BlowBlaster-Airzone Blow Blaster ?
CrankingCannon-Airzone Cranking Cannon ?
AirZoneCrossBow Cross Bow ?
DartBow Dart Bow ?
Quickfire12Box Double Barrel Shooter ?
DualFireDartBlaster Dual Fire Dart Blaster ?
DualShot Dual Shot ?
Unknown Fire Shot ?
FoamDartBlaster Foam Dart Blaster ?
Unknown Foam Disk Shooter ?
Hawk redbox Hawk ?
TheHawk The Hawk ?
JaguarBoxAirZone Jaguar ?
MechTommy20 AirZone Mech Tommy 20 ?
MotorizedRotaryRapidBlaster Motorized Rotary Rapid Blaster ?
MotoTwinFireBlaster Moto Twin Fire Blaster ?
Panther AirZone Panther ?
PhotonBurst Photon Burst Power Blaster ?
PowerboltBeltBlaster Powerbolt Belt Blaster ?
Quickfire12 Quick Fire 12 Shooter Double Barrel ?
QuickfirePowerstrike24 Quick Fire 24 ?
QuickFireSharpShooter Quick Fire Sharp Shooter ?
Quickfire6 Quickfire 6 ?
Quickfire10SinglePack Quickfire 10 ?
GatlingBlaster white Quickfire Gatling Blaster ?
QuickloadPowerBlaster Quickload Power Blaster ?
RADS12 AirZone RADS 12 ?
RingAcclerator AirZone Ring Accelerator ?
RocketStorm Rocket Storm ?
ScorpionBow Scorpion Bow ?
BallBlaster-Sentry4 Sentry 4 ?
ShellShockX6-AirZonebox Shell Shock X-6 ?
StealthAirZone Stealth ?
StrykerCB3 Stryker CB-3 ?
Unknown Tek 3 ?
Tek6AirZone Tek 6 ?
Tek10Red Tek 10 ?
TetraRaptor Tetra Raptor ?
TetraStrike blue Tetra-Strike ?
Tommy20 AirZone Tommy 20 ?
TornadoX2 Tornado X2 ?
TriFire Tri-Fire ?
WindAttack8 Wind Attack 8 ?
X-ShotStalkerZombie X Shot Stalker ?


Name Year released
AirZoneArrows Arrow Refill Pack ?
MicroDartAirZone 100 2 Micro Dart Refill Pack ?
XtremeDartAirZone 100 Xtreme Dart Refill Pack ?

Product sets[]

Name Year released
DualDoubleXcessTwinPack Dual Double Xcess Twin Pack 2014
2PackFoamDartBlaster 2-Pack Foam Dart Blaster ?
8DartFoamBlaster 2Pack 8 Dart Foam Blaster 2 Pack ?
6PackFoamBlaster 6 Pack Foam Blaster ?
8ShooterDartBlaster 2Pack 8 Shooter Dart Blaster 2 Pack ?
DiscShooterCompetitionSet Disc Shooter Competition Set ?
Unknown Disc Shooter ?
XShotDualAirZoneDouble Double Dual ?
Unknown Hurricane Blaster Pack ?
Quickfire6TwinPack Quickfire 6 Twin Pack ?
RingAccelerator Ring Accelerator Twin Pack ?
RogueAirZoneTwinPack Rogue Twin Pack ?
ShootnShatter Shoot 'n' Shatter ?
Tek34Pack Tek 3 Four Pack ?
Tek10Red Twin Tek 6 ?
TwinTek6 AirZone Twin Tek 10 ?
WindAttackTwinPack Wind Attack Twin Pack ?
X-ShotXcessAirZone2 Xcess Double Pack ?

Stats Blast products[]


Name Year released
Powerstrike9 Power Strike 9 2015
Revolution Revolution 2015
StatsBlastCyclone Cyclone X5 ?
DestroyerXL Destroyer XL ?
Drumroll Drumroll ?
DualFireDartBlaster Dual Fire Dart Blaster ?
GatlingQuickFire box Gatling Quick-Fire ?
ImpactX StatsBlast Impact X ?
NeoSpike Neo Spike ?
Popzooka Popzooka ?
QuickfireAutoFed blue Quickfire Auto Fed Belt Blaster ?
Rapid8 Rapid 8 ?
RenegadeAirZone Renegade ?
Unknown Sentry ?
TornadoX2 Tornado X2 ?
TriFire Tri-Fire ?
X-ShotVigilanteZombie Vigilante ?
WindAttack Stats Wind Attack ?
X70 X-70 ?


Name Year released
XtremeDart 100 Xtreme Dart Refill Pack ?

Product sets[]

Name Year released
DivergentDual Divergent Dual Twin Pack 2017
HoverBlast Hover Shot 2018
6PackFoamBlaster StatsBlast 6 Pack Foam Blaster ?
ThunderMultiPackBlaster Thunder Multi Pack Blaster ?
WindAttackTwinPack StatsBlast Wind Attack Twin Pack ?


  1. NMR logo jerm781 (2011-06-13). Air Zone Tek 6, Now Red. (Article). Nerf Mods & Reviews. Archived from the original on 2013-07-07. Retrieved on 2014-08-11.