Nerf Wiki

Nerf Sports is a series of Nerf products focused on sport play.


The Nerf Sports series consists of various sports-themed products, ranging from simple balls to product sets with intended play rules. While most products are soft and easy to throw, certain products offer a more "professional" feel and size to them. Most products are also designed for play in any weather, and can endure rough use.


Initially, the Nerf brand was focused solely on sports products, with the Nerf Ball releasing in 1969, and the initial versions of the Football and Nerfoop in 1972. These products were not branded as Nerf Sports releases, however, as the name "Nerf Sports" would first be used in the late 80s, with the Fencing set, Turbo Football, and Turbo Screamer Football.

The logo saw sporadic use throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, with some series cropping up in its place, such as Head 2 Head. The Nerf Sports series would go on a brief hiatus beginning in 2004, when many products were rebranded under the Pro Shop or Street Zone series. These releases would later be re-released back under the Nerf Sports series.

Nerf Sports products[]

Baseball products[]

Name Year released
RemoteControlPitchingMachine box Remote Control Pitching Machine 1997
CurvePitchBaseballPack Curve Pitch Baseball 2009
Nerf Curve Pitch Baseball Set Curve Pitch Baseball Set 2009
BaseballChallengeSet Challenge Baseball Set 2019

Basketball products[]

Name Year released
Big bad backboard Big Bad Backboard 1995
NerfoopLightJammer Nerfoop Light Jammer 1996
ShotClock1997 Electronic Shot Clock Basketball 1997
CyberHoop Cyber Hoop 2013
3PointShootout NBA 3-Point Shootout Nerfoop ?
Nerfoop Nerfoop ?
ProHoop Nerfoop Pro ?
ProBounceBasketball Pro Bounce Basketball ?
Wall2Wall NerfSports Wall 2 Wall Basketball ?

Disc-throwing products[]

Name Year released
TurboScreamerFlyingDisk Turbo Screamer Flying Disk 1992
SonicHowlerFlyingDisc Sonic Howler Flying Disc ?
TurboTwister Turbo Twister ?
WEATHER BLITZ Flyer Weather Blitz Flyer ?

Football products[]

Name Year released
TurboFootball NerfSportsbox Turbo Football 1989
TurboScreamerFootballBox Turbo Screamer Football 1989
TurboGripFootball Turbo Grip Football 1994
TurboSpike Turbo Spike Football 1996
FlagFootballBox1 Flag Football 2010
ClassicFootball Colts Classic Football ?
AeroHowler orange Mega Aero Howler Football ?
Pocketvortex Pocket Aero Flyer Football ?
TurboCrushers Turbo Crushers Football ?
TurboJrFootballRedYellow Turbo Jr. Football ?
Nerf-weather-blitz-football Weather Blitz Football ?

Miscellaneous products[]

Name Year released
4SquarePingPong 4-Square Ping Pong 1996
RollerSkates box Roller Skates 1996
BashBall-Silver Bash Ball 2013
HockeySet Hockey Set 2017
Putt&Go Putt & Go Golf Set 2017
TennisSportsSet Tennis Set 2017
Nerf Vortex Accelerator Vortex Howler Accelerator 2018
Playmak3rs Playmak3rs 2019
Fencing1991 Fencing ?
NerfSportsActionBundle Nerf Sports Action Pack ?
ProFoamSoccerBall Pro Foam Soccer Ball ?


Dude Perfect[]

Main article: Dude Perfect (series)

The Dude Perfect sub-series features products themed around the Dude Perfect entertainment group and their various "trick shot" stunts.

Pro Nerf[]

Main article: Pro Nerf

The Pro Nerf sub-series features products with a professional performance and design to them, more akin to professional-grade sports products than toy sports products.

